I woke up and made myself some pancakes, moped because my only friends are out of town, and then got back in my bed to read my Bible and complain to the Lord. Cause I have it so bad. Except not really. Or at all.
Yesterday I went house hunting in b'ham with my dad. B-rad joined, and we had fun... or i did, anyway. I saw two that I liked, but I'm not sold on anything yet. (my favorite one from internet looking already sold. I'm telling myself that it sucked in person.) I liked looking though, and I think the plan is to continue to look. Grateful for my knowledgeable pops.
And now I'm thinking about lunch.
What I should eat: salad.
What I want to eat: grilled cheese, potato chips, a pickle, and a diet coke.
Healthy isn't as fun as not healthy. Maybe if I go on a walk later I can justify that grilled cheese... it is, after all, a gorgeous day!
i just bout fell out mah chair when i saw you'd blogged. keep it up so i can feel like i still reside in the same state as you and know what's going on in your everyday life. love you, miss you.