Monday, June 22, 2009


so the past couple days (ok weeks. maybe months.) ive been trying to be really open to whatever the Word says. that probably sounds weird. 
but i've been doing this thing where, when i read the Word, i want to ignore what i "know" and relearn the good stuff while tossing out the bad. not always easy. especially when you come to verses like psalm 11:5 and psalm 5:5. (warning: only read these if you're willing for your head to explode. slash to submit yourself to whatever the Word says, regardless of what youve been taught your entire life. slash want to be confused.) 

it's rough.

but i love the Word. i identify with the psalm 119 guy. to quote bradley pinkerton, "we cannot know God fully, but we can know him truly." the only way to know him truly? yeah, the Word.

listened to a platt sermon called "The Gospel and Homosexuality." (weird choice, huh? good tho. obvi.) he talked about how a couple denominations were acknowledging that the Bible says that homosexuality is wrong, but they were saying that those parts shouldn't be in the Bible. that they aren't inspired. im sorry. WHAT? "who are you, o man?" people have such a disregard for the Word. even when it's not that blatant. someone was talking about how, in romans 3, it says "no one seeks God, not even one." and its true- no one is seeking the God of the Bible. people want to serve a God that serves their desires and wants. no one wants to seek the God that does, in fact, have wrath. and does, in fact, have compassion on whom he chooses. scary thing: im included in no one.

God, i want to know you truly. 


  1. Good stuff. Your post really made me miss Bradley. And that whole serious of "The Gospel and..." is really good. I really enjoyed singleness and manhood

  2. Encouraged by this as usual DA :-)

  3. Well, I am single and a man, so...

    And I got a wall post from Bradley on facebook yesterday haha
