ok ive been sitting here for five minutes and can't think of anything to say. oh! i know! birthday.
i turned 21 this past tuesday. at midnight (ok, 11p.m.) erica and stevie showed up at my house with mimosas screaming "it's 12 o'clock somewhere! it's your birthday! mimosas!" i was in bed, but not asleep, and felt really special. the next day i had an accounting test, so i essentially did school from 8am-6pm straight, then went to bham to meet my parents for dinner. i went out with er, stevie, kiley, and david shadix that night... it was fun :) i love them. good birthday.
in other news...
i feel like the Lord's teaching me about being a shepherd. Jesus was the best one, for sure, but he's shown me some good modern day ones too. and i want to be a shepherd(ess). gabrielle always talks about me being a "guardian"- one of those temperament things we're obsessed with. anyway, i think that plays into it. i have a heart for the Church- messed up as we are. i want to see us follow Jesus best :)
"little children, let us love, not in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." (somewhere in 1 john)
3 things:
1. "mimosas at midnight"- ive never felt so special on my birthday ever
2. my sister made cookie dough tonight- yum :)
3. blogging
glad you posted. i've been waiting.