Wednesday, July 29, 2009

in the middle.

im moving back to tuscaloosa in 4 days. 
mixed feelings? yes. 

pros: cons:
sarah     rush
sara      class
caple-HOOD. summer friends
mary lynn!

i made a playlist called long dress. cause some music you just need a long dress for... this occurred to me last summer in my kitchen, listening to nelo with sarah teague. summer, long dress, barefoot, grass. dancing around. 

kitchens have the best memories. freshman year, sitting in the floor of my kitchen with sarah and jessica, talking and laughing well into the night
all growing up with my family, cooking and hanging out. most of our memories involve good food
last summer cooking almost nightly with sarah, dancing  barefoot
this summer, too... various kitchens, various families, sweet conversations. learning to love new people and finding out who they are. 

i think this has been my favorite college summer.

Monday, July 27, 2009

lessons learning.

right now the Lord is teaching me...

to wait. (story of my life.) on Him, on His plans. Love is patient.
to be satisfied in the morning by His steadfast love. everyday. (psalm 90)
how to hope in Him and let everything else be a pleasant surprise.
to lean into Him and His wisdom.
that if pleasing man is my goal, i am no longer a servant of Christ. (gal 1)
to trust Him. (im trying)

i feel like i learn the same lessons over and over again... isaiah 28:10...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


new goal: stop biting my nails.

we'll see how it goes.

Monday, July 20, 2009


im in virginia, and life is good :)

staying with erica and stevie of course, and enjoying my time with them. i flew in on thursday; highlights so far...
  • dinner at erica's parents' house last night- her dad made steaks and afterward we talked politics
  • getting to see where erica will be teaching little fourth graders in the fall
  • staying up late talking to stevie the first night i was here; exposing ourselves as sinners and finding common ground there. we also laughed some :)
  • mrs. bonnie (er's mom) took us to get our nails done. richmond mom-time
  • meeting up with my summer staff ropes girls, alex and sarah greico. i love them!
today was the best though. erica and i drove to three different wineries between here and charlottesville and did wine-tastings. an experience for sure- i think i tried 20 different wines today, which kind of blows my mind. we had lunch at this local cafe-thing and i think i had the best turkey sandwich ive ever eaten. we bought a bottle of chocolate wine that we liked a lot... should be good.

right now my biggest struggles...
hoping in the Lord & resting in the Lord. this is my fav from this morning: 
"satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days." (psalm 90:14)

i want to go for the ride
shotgun, on the passenger side
we could leave this whole world behind
pack a lunch and just sail away
but then again im scared to let go-
this world is all that i know,
God don't let me wake up and find
ive left you  someday...
(mandi mapes, "maybe if i sing")

Thursday, July 16, 2009

the past 6.

while filemaker loads...

im the only intern at the office today. slightly depressing. it's been me and bubba all week, which has been really fun. he's in starkville now. :(

for the update...
went to the beach this weekend with chris and brad- we met my family down there. the weekend included: red bar with the boys and caroline, kayaking and being within 15 yards (probably less) of a pod of dolphins, enjoying the sunshine, swimming in the pool, good meals with the family, the illusionist, more kayaking, and a little seaside. 

got to play with sarah on monday- got her a new mac! then had dinner at brad's house and met the kenyan kids staying with him! so cute.

tuesday night fun night was at makar's house- he cooked shrimp and grits and we got to meet The Famous Egyptian and Champ. then we went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter. (what were we thinking?) i think i got in at 3:45.

last night i met eric parker's new girl- stephanie. AND i got to see sandra! i heart her.

tonight im meeting with anne and then small group, and tomorrow...

Richmond :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

happy :)

"rejoice in the Lord always, again i say- rejoice!"

i had the best time in the car with the Lord this morning. aunt wendy was telling me about her tennis matches at the house, so i didnt get to read when i usually do, so i started going over the Scripture i've memorized this summer when i got in my car. after reciting all i knew, i just started getting really happy. i prayed a little in the silence and then decided to turn on some music... 

i listened to coldplay, amos lee, the jonas brothers, and taylor swift. i havent been so happy in the Lord in a long time :) 

confession: im ridiculously legalistic. so i think the Lord sometimes changes my routine so i can experience him.

"for everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer."
(1 tim 4:4)

Monday, July 6, 2009

2 & 3


"we may not master the Scriptures, but the Scriptures must master us."
(paul washer)

"hope in the Lord... everything else is just a pleasant surprise."
(caleb hughes)

3 things im thankful for:
1. morgan and adrienne. summer friends :)
2. sarah's back from cali and brad's back from montana
3. bbq ribs and homemade ice cream at tyler's on sunday. it felt homey :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

good morning, july

today is july one.
that means that day after tomorrow is my mom's birthday.
and that the next day is independence day!
and the next day sarah gets back! (and brad!)

it also means summer is halfway over. summer has gone slowly so far (for which i am ever so thankful). im scared it's going to speed up. 

so ive known from the beginning of summer that i am surrounded by boys, but last night i really realized that i have no girlfriends here. i freaked a little. luckily i got to talk to sarah. so good. it's funny how long it took me to realize that. boys are good companions, but sometimes you just need a girl. especially when you are one.

ive been trying to load filemaker since 9:30. it's 9:50 and it still hasnt worked. grrr...

i need more of Jesus.